Monday, September 5, 2016

     During my first 10 days at Creighton I thought it was interesting that we had  RSP groups and required events we had to attend. After the first day a lot of my friends from back home were texting me asking about how my first day went so I explained to them what my RSP group was and told them about some of the events. They were all really surprised because they didn't have anything like this. They just had events going on around campus that attendance was recommended but not required. Many of them said they wish they would've had something similar to help them get a better feel for the campus and really get used to it. 

1 comment:

  1. That's interesting. Back in the Dark Ages when I was a freshman, I skipped all the introductory campus activities. I agree with your friends--in retrospect, it helps you to get acquainted with people, the campus and its culture. I never felt like I was really a part of Nebraska (UNL is my alma mater) the entire time I was there.


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